Mistake #3 Buying Too Much Machine

Sometimes customers will buy more sawmill than they need.  Here is an example:

LT50 Looking Back Lo Res

LT50 Looking Back Lo Res

One of the company’s sales managers sent me an email concerning a customer who bought his mill from a West Coast dealer.  During a survey he stated “ I wish I had never bought this machine.”  The problem was NOT the machine – it is one of the best engineered mills on the market.

The problem WAS that he had entered into an un-written and informal business partnership that resulted in conflict, threats and bitterness.  Instead of using the mill to build rustic housing for rental units, the mill represented the relationship which was no longer mutually amicable. 

It’s not hard to get the right machine and get the one you really want.  If it’s a complex machine support and training are much more important than if you’re buying a basic mill.

Mistake #4 The One-Phone Call Purchase
